Import/Export of Human Remains

Human Remains Refrigeration

When handling the issues of human remains entry and refrigeration, the specific procedures and requirements may vary depending on the region and legal regulations. Wing Fook Funeral planners will operate in accordance with the relevant local regulations. We will establish contact with local hospitals, police stations, or medical institutions. Prior to transporting the body, obtaining the necessary permits and documents is essential. Professional transportation companies are usually hired to handle the transfer and transportation of the body.

Refrigeration of the human remains is conducted to ensure preservation and prevent decomposition. Typically, body refrigeration takes place in dedicated facilities such as mortuaries or body preservation rooms. These facilities are generally provided by hospitals, funeral parlors, or relevant institutions. It is important for the refrigeration facilities to maintain appropriate temperature and humidity levels to ensure the preservation of the body. Additionally, proper security measures should be in place to ensure that only authorized personnel have access.

Throughout the process of handling body entry and refrigeration, Wing Fook Funeral planners will ensure a respectful and dignified approach towards the human remains.